Friday, October 5, 2012

Thomas Calculus 11th Edition

Book Description

October 15, 2004 0321185587 978-0321185587 11th
The new edition of Thomas is a return to what Thomas has always been: the book with the best exercises. For the 11th edition, the authors have added exercises cut in the 10th edition, as well as, going back to the classic 5th and 6th editions for additional exercises and examples. The book's theme is that Calculus is about thinking; one cannot memorize it all. The exercises develop this theme as a pivot point between the lecture in class, and the understanding that comes with applying the ideas of Calculus. In addition, the table of contents has been refined to match the standard syllabus. Many of the examples have been trimmed of distractions and rewritten with a clear focus on the main ideas. The authors have also excised extraneous information in general and have made the technology much more transparent. The ambition of Thomas 11e is to teach the ideas of Calculus so that students will be able to apply them in new and novel ways, first in the exercises but ultimately in their careers. Every effort has been made to insure that all content in the new edition reinforces thinking and encourages deep understanding of the material.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB

Book Description

This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to build rich and interactive web sites that run on the Microsoft platform. With the knowledge you gain from this book, you create a great foundation to build any type of web site, ranging from simple hobby-related websites to sites you may be creating for commercial purposes.Anyone new to web programming should be able to follow along because no prior background in web development is assumed although it helps if you do have a basic understanding of HTML and the web in general. The book starts at the very beginning of web development by showing you how to obtain and install Visual Web Developer. The chapters that follow gradually introduce you to new technologies, building on top of the knowledge gained in the previous chapters.
Do you have a strong preference for Visual Basic over C# or the other way around? Or do you think both languages are equally cool? Or maybe you haven’t made up your mind yet and want to learn both languages? Either way, you’ll like this book because all code examples are presented in both languages!
Even if you have some experience with prior versions of ASP.NET, you may gain a lot from this book. Although many concepts from previous versions are brought forward into ASP.NET 4, you’ll discover there’s a lot of new stuff to be found in this book, including an introduction to the ADO.NET Entity Framework, the inclusion of jQuery,ASP.NET AJAX, the many changes to the ASP.NET 4 Framework, and much more.
This book teaches you how to create a feature-rich, data-driven, and interactive web site called Planet Wrox. Although this is quite a mouthful, you’ll find that with Visual Web Developer 2010, developing such a web site isn’t as hard as it seems. You’ll see the entire process of building a web site, from installing Visual Web Developer 2010 in Chapter 1 all the way up to putting your web application on a live server in Chapter 19. The book is divided into 19 chapters, each dealing with a specific subject.
  • Chapter 1, “Getting Started with ASP.NET 4” shows you how to obtain and install Visual Web Developer 2010. You’ll get instructions for downloading and installing the free edition of Visual Web Developer 2010, called the Express edition. You are also introduced to HTML, the language behind every web page. The chapter closes with an overview of the customization options that Visual Web Developer gives you.
  • Chapter 2, “Building an ASP.NET Web Site” shows you how to create a new web site and how to add new elements like pages to it. Besides learning how to create a well-structured site, you also see how to use the numerous tools in Visual Web Developer to create HTML and ASP.NET pages.
  • Chapter 3, “Designing Your Web Pages.” Visual Web Developer comes with a host of tools that allow you to create well-designed and attractive web pages. In this chapter, you see how to make good use of these tools. Additionally, you learn about CSS, the language that is used to format web pages.
  • Chapter 4, “Working with ASP.NET Server Controls.” ASP.NET Server Controls are one of the most important concepts in ASP.NET. They allow you to create complex and feature-rich web sites with very little code. This chapter introduces you to the large number of server controls that are available, explains what they are used for, and shows you how to use them.
  • Chapter 5, “Programming Your ASP.NET Web Pages.” Although the built-in CSS tools and the ASP.NET Server Controls can get you a long way in creating web pages, you are likely to use a programming language to enhance your pages. This chapter serves as an introduction to programming with a strong focus on programming web pages. Best of all: all the examples you see in this chapter (and the rest of the book) are in both Visual Basic and C#, so you can choose the language you like best.
  • Chapter 6, “Creating Consistent Looking Web Sites.” ASP.NET helps you create consistent-looking pages through the use of master pages, which allow you to define the global look and feel of a page. Skins and themes help you to centralize the looks of controls and other visual elements in your site. You also see how to create a base page that helps to centralize programming code that you need on all pages in your site.
  • Chapter 7, “Navigation.” To help your visitors find their way around your site, ASP.NET comes with a number of navigation controls. These controls are used to build the navigation structure of your site. They can be connected to your site’s central site map that defines the pages in your web site. You also learn how to programmatically send users from one page to another.
  • Chapter 8, “User Controls.” User controls are reusable page fragments that can be used in multiple web pages. As such, they are great for repeating content such as menus, banners, and so on. In this chapter, you learn how to create and use user controls and enhance them with some programmatic intelligence.
  • Chapter 9, “Validating User Input.” A large part of interactivity in your site is defined by the input of your users. This chapter shows you how to accept, validate, and process user input using ASP.NET Server Controls. Additionally, you see how to send e-mail from your ASP.NET web application and how to read from text files.
  • Chapter 10, “ASP.NET AJAX.” Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX allows you to create good-looking, flicker-free web pages that close the gap between traditional desktop applications and web applications. In this chapter you learn how to use the built-in Ajax features to enhance the presence of your web pages, resulting in a smoother interaction with the web site.
  • Chapter 11, “jQuery.” jQuery is a popular, open source and cross-browser JavaScript library designed to make it easier to interact with web pages in the client’s browser. In this chapter you learn the basics of jQuery and see how to add rich visual effects and animations to your web pages.
  • Chapter 12, “Introducing Databases.” Understanding how to use a database is critical to building web sites, as most modern web sites require the use of a database. You’ll learn the basics of SQL, the query language that allows you to access and alter data in a database. In addition, you are introduced to thedatabase tools found in Visual Web Developer that help you create and manage your SQL Server databases.
  • Chapter 13, “Displaying and Updating Data.” Building on the knowledge you gained in the previous chapter, this chapter shows you how to use the ASP.NET data-bound and data source controls to create a rich interface that enables your users to interact with the data in the database that these controls target.
  • Chapter 14, “LINQ and the ADO.NET Entity Framework.” LINQ is Microsoft’s solution for accessing objects, databases, XML, and more. The ADO.NET Entity Framework (EF) is Microsoft’s new technology for database access. This chapter shows you what LINQ is all about, how to use the visual EF designer built into Visual Studio, and how to write LINQ to EF queries to get data in and out of your SQL Server database.
  • Chapter 15, “Working with Data—Advanced Topics.” While earlier chapters focused mostly on the technical foundations of working with data, this chapter looks at the same topic from a front-end perspective. You see how to change the visual appearance of your data through the use of control styles. You also see how to interact with the data-bound controls and how to speed up your application by keeping a local copy of frequently accessed data.
  • Chapter 16, “Security in Your ASP.NET 4 Web Site.” Although presented quite late in the book,security is a first-class, important topic. This chapter shows you how to make use of the built-in ASP.NET features related to security. You learn about a number of application services that facilitate security. You also learn how to let users sign up for an account on your web site, how to distinguish between anonymous and logged-on users, and how to manage the users in your system.
  • Chapter 17, “Personalizing Web Sites.” Building on the security features introduced in Chapter 16, this chapter shows you how to create personalized web pages with content targeted at individual users. You see how to configure and use ASP.NET Profile that enables you to store personalized data for known and anonymous visitors.
  • Chapter 18, “Exception Handling, Debugging, and Tracing.” In order to understand, improve, and fix the code you write for your ASP.NET web pages you need good debugging tools. Visual Web Developer ships with great debugging support that enables you to diagnose the state of your application at run time, helping you find and fix problems before your users do.
  • Chapter 19, “Deploying Your Web Site.” By the end of the book, you should have a web site that is ready to be shown to the world. But how exactly do you do that? What are the things you need to know and understand to put your web site out in the wild? This chapter gives the answers and provides you with a good look at configuring different production systems in order to run your final web site.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
From the Back Cover
Build rich web sites with the latest version of ASP.NETASP.NET is the part of the .NET Framework that enables you to build rich, dynamic web sites. The latest version—ASP.NET 4—boasts numerous improvements to the previous iteration, including Web Forms enhancements and jQuery support. This step-by-step book walks you through building rich web sites with ASP.NET 4 and is packed with in-depth examples in both C# and VB. With hands-on exercises that take you right into the action, you’ll learn how to build web sites firsthand while you get a good look at what goes on behind the scenes when you view an ASP.NET 4 page in your browser.
Beginning ASP.NET 4:
  • Demonstrates how to build ASP.NET 4 web pages
  • Explains adding features with pre-built server controls
  • Reviews working with the development tools to create ASP.NET web sites
  • Shares techniques for creating consistent-looking web sites
  • Teaches you how to implement jQuery and AJAX techniques in your web sites
  • Shows you how to work with databases and the Microsoft® ADO.NET Entity Framework
  • Addresses securing and personalizing your site
  • Investigates exception handling, debugging, and tracing pages

Book Details

  • Paperback: 840 pages
  • Publisher: Wrox (March, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470502215
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470502211
  • File Size: 11.4 MiB
  • File Format: PDF

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Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th Edition

Book Description

ASP.NET 4 is the latest version of Microsoft’s revolutionary ASP.NET technology. It is the principal standard for creating dynamic web pages on the Windows platform. Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010 raises the bar for high-quality, practical advice on learning and deploying Microsoft’s dynamic web solution.
This new edition is updated with everything you need to master the latest version of ASP.NET, including coverage of ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET AJAX 4, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, and Silverlight 3.
Seasoned .NET professionals Matthew MacDonald and Mario Szpuszta explain how you can get the most from these groundbreaking new technologies. They cover ASP.NET 4 as a whole, illustrating both the brand-new features and the functionality carried over from previous versions of ASP. This book will give you the knowledge you need to code real ASP.NET 4 applications in the best possible style.
Table of Contents
  1. Introducing ASPNET
  2. Visual Studio
  3. Web Forms
  4. Server Controls
  5. ASPNET Applications
  6. State Management
  7. ADONET Fundamentals
  8. Data Components and the DataSet
  9. Data Binding
  10. Rich Data Controls
  11. Caching and Asynchronous Pages
  12. Files and Streams
  13. LINQ
  14. XML
  15. User Controls
  16. Themes and Master Pages
  17. Website Navigation
  18. Website Deployment
  19. The ASPNET Security Model
  20. Forms Authentication
  21. Membership
  22. Windows Authentication
  23. Authorization and Roles
  24. Profiles
  25. Cryptography
  26. Custom Membership Providers
  27. Custom Server Controls
  28. Graphics, GDI+, and Charting
  29. JavaScript and Ajax Techniques
  31. Portals with Web Part Pages
  32. MVC
  33. Dynamic Data
  34. Silverlight
About the Author
Matthew MacDonald is an author, educator, and MCSD developer who has a passion for emerging technologies. He is a regular writer for developer journals such as Inside Visual Basic, ASPToday, and Hardcore Visual Studio .NET, and he’s the author of several books about programming with .NET, including User Interfaces in VB .NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls, The Book of VB .NET, and .NET Distributed Applications. In a dimly remembered past life, he studied English literature and theoretical physics. Send e-mail to him with praise, condemnation, and everything in between, to
Adam Freeman is an experienced IT professional who has held senior positions in a range of companies, most recently as Chief Technology Officer and Chief Operating Officer of a global bank. He has written several of books on Java and .NET and has had a long-term interest in all things parallel.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 1616 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 4 edition (June, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430225297
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430225294
  • File Size: 31.1 MiB
  • File Format: PDF 

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Beginning C# 2008

Description : A sound book to start with C# from beginning to go professional, Beginning C# 2008 from Novice to Professional is the good book for those who have worked with procedural languages such as VB before or even if never programmed anything before.
Beginning C# 2008 :

Some of the contents of Book...

01: Ready, Steady, Go!
02: .NET Number and Value Types
03: String Manipulations
04: Data Structures, Decisions, and Loops
05: C# Exception Handling
06: Object-Oriented Programming Basics
07: Components and Object Hierarchies
08: Component-Oriented Architecture
09: Lists, Delegates, and Lambda  Expressions
10: All About Persistence
11: Exploring .NET Generics
12: Application Configuration and Dynamic Loading
13: All About Multithreading
14: Using Relational Databases
15: Larning About LINQ, Even More ...

Book Name:   Beginning C# 2008 From Novice to Professional
Edition:   2nd
Author:   Christian Gross
Language:   English
Pages:   501
File Size:   6.64 MB

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Beginning Microsoft visual Basic 2010

Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 :

Some of the contents of Book...

01: Welcome to Visual Basic 2010
02: The Microsoft NET Framework
03: Writing Software
04: Controlling the Flow
05: Working with Data Structures
06: Extensible ApplicationMarkup Language (XAML)
07: Building Windows Applications
08: Displaying Dialog Boxes
09: Creating Menus
10: Debugging and Error Handling
11: Building Objects
12: Advanced Object-Oriented Techniques
13: Building Class Libraries
14: CreatingWindows Forms User Controls
15: Accessing Databases
16: Database programming with SQL Server and ADO.NET and more...

Book Name:  Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Author:  Thearon Willis, and Bryan Newsome
Language:  English

Pages:  724
File Type:  PDF
File Size:  18.20 MB

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Bang-e-Dara Part 1 By Allah Muhammad Iqbal

Book Title: 'Bang-e-Dara'
Author: 'Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal'

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Operating System Concepts 8th Edition

Operating System Concepts 8th Edition

Operating System Concepts continues to provide a solid theoretical foundation for understanding operating systems. The 8th Edition Update includes more coverage of the most current topics in the rapidly changing fields of operating systems and networking, including open-source operating systems. The use of simulators and operating system emulators is incorporated to allow operating system operation demonstrations and full programming projects. The text also includes improved conceptual coverage and additional content to bridge the gap between concepts and actual implementations. New end-of-chapter problems, exercises, review questions, and programming exercises help to further reinforce important concepts, while WileyPLUS continues to motivate students and offer comprehensive support for the material in an interactive format.

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Stranger I Married

Lady Pelham could not have designed a husband more suited to her needs. The Marquess of Grayson is a dear and enchanting friend and an unrepentant ladies man. Their union is solid; their hearts safe from one another. But every marriage has its surprises...

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Oxford Guide to English Grammar

Title of the book is "The Oxford Guide to English Grammar " By John Eastwood.
The Oxford Guide to English Grammar is a systematic account of grammatical forms and the way they are used in standard British English today. The emphasis is on meanings and how they govern the choice of grammatical pattern.
The book is thorough in its coverage but pays most attention to points that are of importance to intermediate and advanced learners of English, and to their teachers. It will be found equally suitable for quick reference to details and for the more leisured study of broad grammar topics.
A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of example texts and conversations, many of them authentic, to show how grammar is used in connected writing and in speech.
Language changes all the time. Even though grammar changes more slowly than vocabulary, it is not a set of unalterable rules. There are sometimes disagreements about what correct English is and what is incorrect. 'Incorrect' grammar is often used in informal speech. Does that make it acceptable? Where there is a difference between common usage and opinions about correctness, I have pointed this out.
This information is important for learners. In some situations it may be safer for them to use the form which is traditionally seen as correct. The use of a correct form in an unsuitable context, however, can interfere with understanding just as much as a mistake. To help learners to use language which is appropriate for a given occasion, I have frequently marked usages as formal, informal, literary and so on.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

The Official Ubuntu Book, 7th Edition

Book Description

Ubuntu is a complete, free operating system that emphasizes ease of use, community, and support while enhancing speed, power, and flexibility. It is designed for everyone from computer novices to experts.
This title serves a wide audience: novices who just want to test the waters and give Ubuntu a try, intermediate users, and those who want to take the next step toward becoming power users. It is not intended as a guide to highly technical uses like professional systems administration or programming, although there is some technical material here; the focus is on learning the landscape.
New in this edition is deep coverage of the groundbreaking, user-experience-focused Unity desktop, an innovative new style of human—computer interaction that has undergone extensive development and testing to provide powerful, industry-leading usability.
In addition, you will
  • Learn how to use and customize Ubuntu for home, small business, school, government, and enterprise environments
  • Learn how to quickly update Ubuntu to new release versions with upgraded applications
  • Find up-to-the-minute troubleshooting advice from Ubuntu users worldwide to get the help you need quickly
  • Learn Ubuntu Server installation and administration, including LVM and RAID implementation
The DVD includes the complete Ubuntu Linux operating system for installation on PC platforms. The disk is preconfigured with an outstanding desktop environment for both home and business computing, for novices and advanced users.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The Ubuntu Story
Chapter 2. Installing Ubuntu
Chapter 3. Getting Started with Ubuntu
Chapter 4. Becoming an Ubuntu Power User
Chapter 5. Finding and Installing Ubuntu Applications
Chapter 6. Customizing Ubuntu for Performance, Accessibility, and Fun
Chapter 7. Welcome to the Command Line
Chapter 8. The Ubuntu Server
Chapter 9. Ubuntu-Related Projects and Derivatives
Chapter 10. The Ubuntu Community

Book Details

  • Paperback: 432 pages
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 7th Edition (June 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0133017605
  • ISBN-13: 978-0133017601
  • File Size: 28.7 MiB
  • File Format: PDF | EPUB | PDF + EPUB
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Practical PHP and MySQL: Building Eight Dynamic Web Applications

Book Description

“Practical PHP and MySQL reflects Jono’s commitment to the spirit of making open source subjects accessible to everyone. The book carefully walks you through the code for eight useful, dynamic Web applications. Projects are presented in a playful way, like the forum project that touts horror movies that make you ‘hide behind the couch.’”
-From the Foreword by Christopher Negus, Series Editor, Negus Live Linux Series
Build Dynamic Web Sites Fast, with PHP and MySQL…
Learn from Eight Ready-to-Run Applications!
Suddenly, it’s easy to build commercial-quality Web applications using free and open source software. With this book, you’ll learn from eight ready-to-run, real-world applications—all backed by clear diagrams and screenshots, well-documented code, and simple, practical explanations.
Leading open source author Jono Bacon teaches the core skills you’ll need to build virtually any application. You’ll discover how to connect with databases, upload content, perform cascading deletes, edit records, validate registrations, specify user security, create reusable components, use PEAR extensions, and even build Ajax applications.
Working from complete examples on the CD-ROM, you’ll create

  • Generic dynamic Web sites
  • Blogs
  • Discussion forums
  • Shopping carts
  • Auction sites
  • Calendars
  • FAQ systems
  • Reusable components
  • Content management systems
  • News sites
JONO BACON is Ubuntu community manager for Canonical, Ubuntu’s sponsor. He is an established speaker, author, and contributor to the open source community. Bacon co-authored Linux Desktop Hacks and The Official Ubuntu Book; has served as a columnist for Linux Format, Linux User & Developer, and PC Plus; and is an O’Reilly Networkweblog author. He is a lead developer onthe Jokosher ( project,and co-founder of LUGRadio—a podcastwith more than 15,000 listeners, andan annual event that attracts visitorsfrom around the world.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 528 pages
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (November 24, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0132239973
  • ISBN-13: 978-0132239974
  • File Size: 6.3 MB
  • File Format: PDF | EPUB | PDF + EPUB

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Friday, August 10, 2012

C++ How to Program 8th Edition Free Download

Book Description

For Introduction to Programming (CS1) and other more intermediate courses covering programming in C++. Also appropriate as a supplement for upper-level courses where the instructor uses a book as a reference for the C++ language.
This best-selling comprehensive text is aimed at readers with little or no programming experience. It teaches programming by presenting the concepts in the context of full working programs and takes an early-objects approach. The authors emphasize achieving program clarity through structured and object-oriented programming, software reuse and component-oriented software construction. The Eighth Edition encourages students to connect computers to the community, using the Internet to solve problems and make a difference in our world. All content has been carefully fine-tuned in response to a team of distinguished academic and industry reviewers.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Computers and C++
Chapter 2. Introduction to C++ Programming
Chapter 3. Introduction to Classes, Objects and Strings
Chapter 4. Control Statements: Part 1
Chapter 5. Control Statements: Part 2
Chapter 6. Functions and an Introduction to Recursion
Chapter 7. Arrays and Vectors
Chapter 8. Pointers
Chapter 9. Classes: A Deeper Look, Part 1
Chapter 10. Classes: A Deeper Look, Part 2
Chapter 11. Operator Overloading; Class string
Chapter 12. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
Chapter 13. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
Chapter 14. Templates
Chapter 15. Stream Input/Output
Chapter 16. Exception Handling: A Deeper Look
Chapter 17. File Processing
Chapter 18. Class string and String Stream Processing
Chapter 19. Searching and Sorting
Chapter 20. Custom Templatized Data Structures
Chapter 21. Bits, Characters, C Strings and structs
Chapter 22. Standard Template Library (STL)
Chapter 23. Boost Libraries, Technical Report 1 and C++0x
Chapter 24. Other Topics
Chapter 25. ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UML
Chapter 26. ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design
Appendix A. Operator Precedence and Associativity
Appendix B. ASCII Character Set
Appendix C. Fundamental Types
Appendix D. Number Systems
Appendix E. Preprocessor
Appendix F. C Legacy Code Topics
Appendix G. UML 2: Additional Diagram Types
Appendix H. Using the Visual Studio Debugger
Appendix I. Using the GNU C++ Debugger

Book Details

  • Paperback: 1104 pages
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8th Edition (March 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0132662361
  • ISBN-13: 978-0132662369
  • File Size: 51.8 MiB
  • File Format: PDF 

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